The boxers meet once a month with the overall aim of getting more women involved in the sport. The intiative is led by Aston ABCs lead coach John Homer, who said: "We first started the squad in 2016 and it has grown from strength to strength.
"We now have a regular attendance of up to 40 female boxers at each gathering. The boxers are able to access coaching and sparring opportunities and we have proven to be very successful with a number of our members having won domestic and international honours.
"The natural progression for us has been to encourage more female coaches into the squad system and with the help of The Maverick Stars Trust, we have now successfully managed to gain ten new coaches as the first part of our drive to attract more female coaches to boxing.
"Maverick Stars were fantastic from the start and loved the idea from the outset. The charitable foundation were as good as their word with a very welcome grant of £3,000 which was very gratefully received." The level 1 coaching course was held at Tamworth Boxing Club and delivered by female coaches to help inspire those in attendance. Kat Stanford of Tamworth ABC and Louise Vidor of Brightstar Boxing Academy gave up their time to help to push the programme along.
Louise said: "It was fantastic to be involved in the delivery of this course and I was delighted to see so many female coaches in attendance. Female coaching participation is growing all the time and I really welcome the effort and support that enabled the 'FLAG' programme to keep going and to offer opportunities like this."
Pictured are: Elaine Homer (Aston ABC), Claire McDermott (Brooklands ABC), Claire Salisbury (Jewellery Quarter), Jade Collett (Wednesbury), Sophie Morton (Droitwich), Georgie Belt (Tamworth), Paige Goodyear (Brooklands), Ileana Ingram (Aston), Jo Gavin (Andersons), Wendy Hurst (Warley)